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Gross Dive Bar Aesthetic

UOA cinematography course exercise

For this exercise we decided to convey a sort of gritty, intense mood with two different associations. Our focus was primarily role reversal; we used pink lighting in the stalls, and blue lighting on the outside. There would be three characters: two women mobsters outside the stall, and one male victim ductaped to a toilet.

We wanted to use the lighting as a mood, but didn’t want it to overpower all the colors in the scene. For this shot, we simply lit with normal lighting and color corrected to get the correct blue tone, as well as bringing out a nice yellow for color contrast.

The aim was to communicate two different spaces aligned to the “criminal mobsters” (blue) and the victim (pink). Those colors were chosen to directly conflict with their stereotypical associations, so that the audience would get a sense of mystery and suspense, and to in some ways pique interest through denying expectations.

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